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The Essential Roadmap to Autonomous Decision Making through “Achieving Digital Transformation and Supply Chain Optimization”

The Essential Roadmap to Autonomous Decision Making through “Achieving Digital Transformation and Supply Chain Optimization”

To survive and thrive today, companies – regardless of their size or industry – must be able to evolve, to embrace new technologies, to adapt to new ecosystems and new business models, to handle increasing expectations from customers and rising competition from new market players, and to operate at the highest levels of efficiency. Indeed, more and more companies are realizing that – in order to conquer the challenges and competition in their business environment – they need to change.

We are about to enter the age of autonomy, when companies will need to fundamentally change their business processes and practices in an effort to achieve supply chain digitalization, optimization, and automation. The key to this digital transformation is harnessing the power of new technologies – such as AI, advanced analytics, and machine learning – to process, analyze, and utilize data to drive optimized planning, decision making, and operations (that are aligned with company-specific KPIs and business goals).

The crucial questions are: How can companies achieve digital transformation and supply chain optimization in the age of autonomy? What are the steps they should take and what capabilities and technologies do they need?

This IDC InfoBrief which is sponsored by ICRON entitled “Essential Roadmap to Autonomous Decision Making: Achieving Digital Transformation and Supply Chain Optimization” seeks to answer these questions.

The InfoBrief provides an overview of the current and future state of the supply chain landscape and offers essential guidance on how companies can prepare and position themselves for success in the age of autonomy.

The InfoBrief covers numerous areas including:

  • Evolving Autonomy
  • Digital Transformation and the New Economy
  • Radical Business Changes Requirement
  • The Digital Transformation Road Map for the Digital Thinking Supply Chain
  • Biggest Challenges of CIOs and Essential Guidance
  • The Business Benefits of Optimized Decision Making
  • ICRON Case Study: Global Electronics Manufacturer Digitalizes and Optimizes its Supply Chain

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