Over the past decade, supply chain and information technology organizations have invested extensively in data collection and storage systems and schemes and have made great strides in terms of their data maturity.
Companies now have access to an immense amount of data and many are often able to process this data and visualize – in real time – the current state of their operations. But how many of these companies can actually utilize the data they gather to create accurate projections and plans, make decisions, and take actions that help them achieve their business goals? Not many.
Indeed, all this investment in data collection and maintenance is generating little business value for supply chain companies. This is because data maturity, in and of itself, is not a driver of greater productivity and profitability. In order to unlock the value of your data, you must have the capability to use it to make optimized decisions – and this is what we call “decision process maturity”.
So how can you assess and improve your company’s decision process maturity? Join our webinar on November 14th to find out!