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"Stay Ahead of Supply Chain Trends with ICRON"

The power of predictive maintenance


The power of predictive maintenance

What if you could precisely predict when your machines and equipment will require maintenance – thereby preventing costly breakdowns, minimizing maintenance costs, and maximizing efficiency? With predictive maintenance tools and techniques, you can.

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Only 26% of supply chain companies use data, algorithms, and organizational input to make business decisions, ICRON survey reveals


Only 26% of supply chain companies use data, algorithms, and organizational input to make business decisions, ICRON survey reveals

The survey was taken by supply chain executives during a webinar on “How supply chain companies can achieve decision-centric optimization".

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Webinar: "Optimization vs. heuristics - Which is the right approach for your business?"


Webinar: "Optimization vs. heuristics - Which is the right approach for your business?"

There are many algorithmic techniques – such as constraint programming, mathematical programming, meta-heuristics, local search, machine learning algorithms and evolutionary algorithms like genetic algorithms and simulated annealing ....

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The past, present, and future of supply chain optimization: An interview with A. Tamer Ünal and Jan van Doremalen (Part II)


The past, present, and future of supply chain optimization: An interview with A. Tamer Ünal and Jan van Doremalen (Part II)

We speak with ICRON’s A. Tamer Ünal and CQM’s Jan van Doremalen, two trailblazers in the world of supply chain planning and optimization solutions, to get their insights on why optimized decision making is such a crucial capability for today’s supply chain companies as well as their ideas on how supply chain planning and optimization technologies will evolve in the coming years.

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The past, present, and future of supply chain optimization: An interview with A. Tamer Ünal and Jan van Doremalen (Part I)


The past, present, and future of supply chain optimization: An interview with A. Tamer Ünal and Jan van Doremalen (Part I)

We speak with ICRON’s A. Tamer Ünal and CQM’s Jan van Doremalen, two trailblazers in the world of supply chain planning and optimization solutions, to get their thoughts on how supply chain trends and optimization technologies have evolved over the past 25 years and how they will change in the years to come.

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Webinar: "5 Key Capabilities Required For Successful Demand Planning"


Webinar: "5 Key Capabilities Required For Successful Demand Planning"

The future, as everyone knows, is impossible to predict. And it is precisely this fact that makes demand planning so ...

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What’s the value of a good business decision?


What’s the value of a good business decision?

Imagine the immense financial and operational benefits that your company could gain by making optimized business decisions.

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Webinar: "How to assess your company’s decision process maturity"


Webinar: "How to assess your company’s decision process maturity"

In order to unlock the value of your data, you must have the capability to use it to make optimized decisions...

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ICRON survey uncovers automotive executives’ most significant supply chain challenges


ICRON survey uncovers automotive executives’ most significant supply chain challenges

The survey was completed by 150 automotive executives at the 5th annual World Automotive Conference in Istanbul in October 2018.

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The robots are coming: How supply chain companies can profit in the age of automation


The robots are coming: How supply chain companies can profit in the age of automation

The key to harnessing the power of new automated technologies is optimized planning and decision making.

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Demand Decision Process

ICRON Demand empowers businesses to navigate uncertainty through accurate forecasting using AI-driven methods that take into consideration historical data, reaTime updates, and fast adaptation to changing market conditions and disruptions.